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Friday, November 26, 2010



Finding College Scholarships on Free Scholarship Guide

•Cost: Free.
•Access: Total access to need based and academic scholarships.

•Scholarship Search Login: Required, and takes a lot of personal details. Profile application form contains ads.

•Information Security: Maybe. They claim not to spam too heavily, but they also state that they need the revenue from ads to keep the site running, which means at least a little spam.

•Custom scholarship search results: No. You can do a keyword search, nothing more.
•Scholarship Information Organization: Decent. You can narrow it down by a few categories, plus a general search. But there is no real organization that you can do on the results you get.

•Direct links to scholarship sites: Yes. With most scholarships, you click on the title given in the online listing, and then it immediately links you to the scholarship's own page.

•Quantity of Scholarships: Impressive. There were over a thousand scholarships for college students offered.

•Tip: Look before you click! Be sure that you haven't left any boxes checked that might indicate you want any spam email. The application process can be tricky; review it before you finalize.