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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Scholarships for Doctoral Students


Doctoral Students information ....
Doctoral scholarships are a bit more elusive than undergraduate and graduate scholarships. PhD degrees are academically prestigious and require academic perseverance not suited to most students. So not only are scholarship programs fewer in number, those that do exist are highly competitive.

University Fellowships Fund Educations of Many PhD Candidates
University graduate schools where most PhD candidates study are primary sources for scholarship funds. Doctoral students are often employed in fellowships and teaching assistantships, from which they earn a good chunk of tuition cash.

Students only beginning to explore their options for post-grad programs might search our Subject-Specific list for university programs that provide scholarship funds according to student’s interests. This A-Z list categorizes the major fields of study in which students typically major. Some subjects reveal more granular micro-specialties.

Target Doctoral Scholarship Search in Academic and Research Fields
Because PhDs tend to be concentrated in academics or high-level research, many doctoral scholarships will be offered in broad categories:

•The broad field of social sciences includes specific studies like economics, linguistics, and middle eastern studies—all of which produce doctoral level professionals.
•The physical and life sciences studies further sub-divide programs into specializations such as genomics, biotechnology, neurobiology, and physiology.
Within these search parameters doctoral candidates will find scholarships funded by private sources, that front all types of research projects; large, research-heavy universities where populations of doctoral students fuel ongoing, high-level projects; and scholarships funded by the federal government, such as the Fulbright Scholarships and dozens of research fellowships available through federally-funded programs like the National Institutes of Health, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Department of Defense.

Scholarships for Women and Minority PhD Candidates
PhDs have been anything but female and/or minority, traditionally. In efforts to encourage underrepresented populations to pursue post grad studies, many sources design scholarships exclusively for women and minority doctoral candidates. Well-publicized sources for minority doctoral scholarships include:

•United Negro College Fund
•Hispanic Scholarship Fund
•Pharmaceutical companies
•Association for Women in Science
•Society for Women Engineers.